TESTNET Instructions
For the early supporters who are apart of the testing.
Last updated
For the early supporters who are apart of the testing.
Last updated
First we wil be adding the test network to your Metamask wallet.
Network Name: Polygon Testnet
New RPC Url: https://polygon-amoy.blockpi.network/v1/rpc/public
Chain ID: 80002
Currency Symbol: MATIC
Block explorer URL (Optional): amoy.polygonscan.com
Once you are in your Metamask testnet wallet, you can add the FDXD token.
Import token - Token contract address: 0x44201A51EC382CB698FCaAf7cBeD2937Da7C1f66
You will need testnet tokens which you can receive by going to https://faucet.polygon.technology/
Selecting Polygon Pos (Amoy)
Entering your testnet wallet address, connecting discord, and submitting to receive tokens.
Go to https://app.findexd.com/create-fund where you will see this dashboard
Connect your metamask wallet from the top right.
On the right, you should see your investing voucher if you received one.
Simply select up to 3 tokens from the list of tokens on the right that you want to create your index. You will then select your voucher on the right and as you select tokens and the voucher, you will see them highlighted in the window "Tokens you selected" below. Once you are satisfied with your selection, select "Create Fund"
You will have to accept the signature request, then wait for the loading screen and you should see a Metamask successful transaction notification.
Select the "Performance" tab to display your new fund. At the top is a dropdown where you can select your fund if you have multiple funds open.
Voucher Principle: This is the value of the voucher that you received equivalent of "In-game credits"
Tokens in fund: This is the amount of tokens in your open fund
Current P/L: This is the current overall P/L % of the tokens in your fund
Current FDXD Earning: This is the current reward of FDXD you have based on your voucher principle and Current P/L%
At the bottom, you will see the tokens you selected and the metrics of the snapshot when you started the fund:
The invested price is the snapshot when you started the fund and the current price is the live price. The change is calculated on the right for each token which the average makes up the total current P/L%.
When you are ready to close your fund, you may do so at anytime. If your Current P/L% is negative, you will not receive any FDXD reward. If the Current P/L% is positive, then you will see your reward under Current FDXD earning. This is what you will receive when you close your fund. In either case of profit or loss, the voucher used will be burned.